Suppose you are 16 or older and have not yet reached the State Pension age but need additional assistance due to long-term sickness, disability, or mental health condition.

In that case, you may be eligible for a Personal Independence Payment (PIP), which pays £23.70 to £152.15 per week. Successful applicants get £94.80 to £608.60 every four weeks from the DWP.

PIP is a tax-free, non-means-tested benefit that anybody may receive, whether employed or unemployed. Keep reading our guide and know more.

Does Pip Affect Universal Credit?

Is it possible to apply for Universal Credit if I’m ill or disabled?

Is it possible to apply for Universal Credit if I'm ill or disabled

Suppose you cannot work due to illness or disability and need benefits. Universal Credit is available if you haven’t paid enough National Insurance Contributions for ESA.

  • If you cannot work due to illness, self-isolation, or shielding from coronavirus, this rule also applies to you. You’ll be evaluated to determine how your handicap or sickness impacts your capacity to work, while face-to-face exams are now unavailable owing to the coronavirus.
  • Additional parts of Universal Credit may be available to aid with other expenditures, such as housing, child care, or bringing up children.
  • You’ll have to file a joint Universal Credit claim if you’re married, in a civil partnership, or living with your spouse.
  • Your household’s income and savings will determine your application for Universal Credit. If you’re sick or disabled and have more than £16,000 in savings, you won’t get Universal Credit.
  • Use the online application to describe how your condition makes it difficult for you to work or find a job if you’re applying for Universal Credit for the first time.
  • Tell your job coach or record it in your online notebook if you already get Universal Credit.
  • Submit a doctor’s certificate with your claim/online account. If you have coronavirus, it’s unnecessary.

In certain circumstances, you will not be required to show that you have restricted job capabilities if you have a terminal disease, certain pregnancy-related illnesses, or cancer therapies like chemotherapy or radiation. Otherwise, you’ll need to fill out the UC50 form.

Citizens Advice Help to Claim is a service provided by Citizens Advice

Citizens Advice Help to Claim is a service provided by Citizens Advice

Citizens Advice’s and speak to someone, Claim service is free and confidential if you’re applying for Universal Credit for the first time.

They may assist you in the following ways:

  • Find out whether you’re eligible for Universal Credit.
  • To expedite your application, gather all of the necessary information and documents.
  • Fill out the online application.

Assessments of work capacity

  • You may undergo a work capability assessment after submitting your application.
  • You’ll be placed in one of the following categories based on the results of the assessment:
  • You’re capable of working.
  • You have restricted job capacity, which indicates that although you may be unable to seek employment right now, you may be required to do certain routine duties to prepare for work in the future.
  • You have restricted job and work-related activity capabilities, so you won’t be required to seek or prepare for employment.

Obtaining a determination from the Department of Work and Pensions

Obtaining a determination from the Department of Work and Pensions

The DWP will write to you with their decision after your evaluation. While waiting for the verdict, you will not get any further funds.

Meanwhile, when your job coach tells you what you need to do to seek or prepare for employment, they should consider your condition.

  • If you’re deemed to be suitable for employment,
  • You’ll be required to hunt for a job or boost your wages if you’re declared fit for work. You will not get any more funds as a result of your claim.
  • If you disagree, you may ask the DWP to review their decision.
  • If your job capacity is constrained,
  • You will not have to work as a result of this. However, certain work-related tasks, such as preparing a CV or attending training courses, may be required.
  • You will not get any more funds due to your claim (unless your claim is from before April 2017).
  • If your capacity for employment and job-related activities is restricted,
  • It implies you won’t have to work or prepare for a job.
  • You’ll also get an additional £354.28 per month as part of your Universal Credit payment in 2022/23.

Is it possible to claim Universal Credit while working?

Is it possible to claim Universal Credit while working

  • If you work, you may apply for Universal Credit.
  • You are eligible for the ‘work allowance’ if you have been evaluated as having restricted competence for work (as mentioned above).
  • It implies you have a specific amount of money you can earn before your Universal Credit payments are impacted.

The following are the monthly work allowances for 2022/23

The following are the monthly work allowances


  • If your Universal Credit includes housing assistance, you will get £344.
  • If you do not get housing assistance, you will be charged £573.
  • If you earn more than the work allowance, your Universal Credit payments will decrease as your income rises.
  • For every £1 you earn over your word limit, your Universal Credit payment will be reduced by 55p.
  • Universal Credit affects PIP and DLA.
  • PIP or DLA will be paid in addition to Universal Credit.
  • PIP replaces DLA.

If your sickness is severe, you’ll qualify

If your disease is serious enough, you will be eligible for these benefits. They will have no impact on the amount of Universal Credit you get.

If you have a terminal disease, you may be eligible for Universal Credit

If you have a terminal disease, you may be eligible for Universal Credit

Suppose you have a progressive sickness or health condition and are not anticipated to survive more than 12 months due to it. You may be eligible for greater benefits, more money, or payments sooner than normal. During your claim, you may report a terminal illness via your online journal, by phone, or during a Jobs and Benefits office appointment. Your doctor must complete DS1500 or SR1 forms. Each will get a state.


If you cannot work due to illness or disability, you may qualify for Universal Credit. It’s critical to understand how to apply for Universal Credit and the work capability assessment and how it impacts other sickness and disability payments.

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