Part Time Jobs Glasgow – Top 10 Jobs
Glasgow is Scotland’s biggest city and the third-largest in the United Kingdom. Glasgow has a year-round bustle of activity because it is complete with energy and culture. With over 130,000 students, there is always something going on and lots of pubs and restaurants to choose from. Look for a part-time or immediate start job in Glasgow now to improve your employability and earn additional money!
Part-Time Jobs Glasgow – Top 10 Jobs
1. Warehouse Employee
Not every warehouse, like a theatre, fills some vacancies with teenagers. Warehouse occupations need strength and endurance, and employees often work in shifts. Some jobs are also regarded to be pretty dangerous. If you acquire work at a warehouse, you’ll load and unload trucks, verify shipping papers, inspect things for broken or missing parts, and so on. You’ll see the value of collaboration.
2. Survey Respondent
Brands want to know what the public thinks about their goods and services. Online surveys, in addition, to focus group meetings, have become crucial tools for them. Many collaborate with market research firms to get answers to their pressing queries. Hiving allows 15-year-olds to participate as panellists.
When you reach the age of 16, you may join more firms, such as Yuno Surveys, ySense, Branded Surveys, and so on. (You’ll probably still need your parents’ permission.) None of these firms will guarantee enormous sums of money, but they will provide some additional cash from time to time.
3. Blogger
Given the plethora of material available, you’ll encounter stiff competition as a blogger. You choose either a specialised subject or an unexpected viewpoint within a popular area (such as lifestyle, fashion, cinema, music, and so on.) Famous bloggers are more likely to get brand collaborations.
Even if you like writing, you should not feel obligated to produce lengthy pieces regularly. Photos with quick or humorous captions may attract more attention than 5,000 words.
Where should you host your blog? Either on your favourite social networking sites (you may join up as early as 13) or on your website. Find a free website where you may post your ideas! Several businesses use content marketing methods that incorporate guest blog articles.
4. Designer of Visual Content
Since the advent of desktop publishing in the 1980s, the number of designers and design occupations has grown. And some individuals begin their creative careers at an early age. Using internet resources, you may learn everything from coding to art.
Portfolios may be shared online by graphic designers, product designers, illustrators, web programmers, authors, bloggers, cartoonists, animators, and many more skills. Sites like Behance.net (and its 1234 Project), Dribbble, DeviantArt, and others are essential in obtaining awareness.
5. Videoblogger/Streamer
Start a channel on YouTube, Instagram, or Twitch if you like being in the limelight and have something to offer or show. These sites accept kids as early as 13 years old. It takes time to build a large following, but vloggers and streamers make a lot of money.
Create the sort of material you are most familiar with or comfortable with, and convey it with great sincerity. You will undoubtedly find an audience if you spend countless hours playing Minecraft, Fortnite, or any other game.
Safety comes first; therefore, request supervision from your parents or legal guardians. To begin with, you will need their permission to join these internet portals.
6. Online Retailer
Regarding internet employment for minors in the UK, we must discuss online selling. Did you know that Netflix’s Girlboss, in which a young lady establishes an internet-selling business, is based on a real story? Although the series was cancelled after one season, and the firm ultimately went bankrupt, you may still learn and be inspired by it. You don’t have to flourish as a teenager to make millions of pounds. With the aid of Vinted and Etsy, you and other 13-year-olds may make more space in your room while still earning money.
7. Gardener
Teens under the age of 18 are not permitted to operate hazardous machinery, although not all gardening chores need the use of specialised tools or equipment. Raking leaves, watering plants, and mowing the lawns would suffice as lay turf. If you don’t have a garden, volunteer to assist your neighbours! To begin working, you must be at least 13 years old.
8. Fruit Picker
Traditionally, individuals from other European nations have done the majority of agricultural work in the UK, such as fruit harvesting. Farmers are pressured to hire seasonal employees due to the coronavirus outbreak and Brexit. Farm employment doesn’t attract many individuals because of the working conditions: standing and kneeling in a field for lengthy periods, lugging large weights or dragging a wheelbarrow back and forth for hours.
9. Lifeguard
Even if your instructor considers you the most excellent swimmer at 13, you can only apply for a lifeguard job when you are 16. You are highly required to receive National Pool Lifeguard Certification (NPLQ). The course costs typically between £150 and £250. Several tasks must complete throughout the evaluation exam. Lifeguards must be able to leap and dive into deep water, tread water for 30 seconds, swim 50 metres in less than a minute, swim 100 metres in deep water without pausing, and climb out of the water unassisted, among other things.
10. Summer Camp Worker
Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, most summer camps (including 2020) have been cancelled. Some organisations have created virtual camps, while others may have postponed their 2020 event. If not this year, you may be able to join the labour market as a summer camp counsellor next year if you are above the age of 16. Some of the businesses exclusively hire teenagers above the age of 18.
If you want a profession where you will meet new clients daily, deal with consumer demands, and be responsible for various activities, a position in retail is for you! Retail part-time jobs supplement your education, allowing you to hone your communication and problem-solving abilities. Explore the top 10 jobs in Glasgow that are currently available!