It is perfectly normal for modern employees to be given a smartphone by their employer to help them better perform their job. Although you probably use your personal smartphone all the time, most people forget how these devices function at work. Using a device that isn’t yours can make you overprotective of the phone. As such, your work performance may suffer as a result.

There is no need for these worries, though. You will find that there are tons of uses for these tiny smartphones. You will even find that they can make your job a lot easier. You just need to know how to get the most out of it.

Use Texts

Use Texts

Text messaging is a means of communication that is unique to mobile phones. It was a feature introduced on the old tank-like phones of old and has continued to have a huge presence in modern smartphones. While you probably send text messages a lot in your personal life, you probably avoid them at work. This is because texting is largely viewed as a very informal means of communication.

There is nothing wrong with sending texts to colleagues and clients on a working smartphone. In fact, you will find it much faster and more resourceful than always calling everyone. Just avoid using too many abbreviations and emojis, and you will be fine.

Avoid Making It Personal

Receiving a free personal smartphone like a work computer from your employer is a great perk. However, this does not mean you should use this device.

A working smartphone has been given to you to help do your job. While using your smartphone in your personal life may be tempting, things can get confusing quite quickly. For example, you don’t want to receive inappropriate texts from a friend while in a c meeting with your manager

Having a work smartphone is not an excuse for not having a smartphone at home. Make sure you have one phone for work and one for your personal life and never mix the two.

Keep It Going

Keep It Going

A smartphone is not the worst appliance; it’s very fragile. This fact does not change even if you are using your phone at work. What’s more, you are more likely to run into a situation where it gets lost or damaged when using it on the go at work.

It can be extremely embarrassing having to admit to your boss that you need a replacement phone because you have broken your work device. That is why it is important to remember that plenty of mobile phone repair shops are out there. For example, you can always head to if you are in need of a mobile repair service. That way, you can save face at work, and your manager saves money by not having to fork out money for a new smartphone.

Use It As A Calendar

It doesn’t matter what your job role is; your list of tasks is always growing. It makes sense that some things end up slipping through the cracks. However, using a smartphone properly removes any chance of you missing an important deadline again.

Every smartphone comes with a calendar app already installed. These apps come with a list of dates like an ordinary calendar so you can make notes. However, you can also choose to have every reminder accompanied by an alarm. You can set this for the assignment’s actual date or when you need to start working on this task. Either way, with a calendar app and alarm system, you never have to worry about managing your tasks again.

Remember Do Not Disturb

Remember Do Not Disturb

While your calendar app can keep you motivated and prevent you from missing important deadlines, it cannot delete any annoying distractions that can crop up. You have probably already experienced the frustration of being engaged in an important task, but a simple phone call or message distracts you and causes you to lose your train of thought.

Then you must re-engage your motivation to return to what you were doing to increase productivity. That exact situation is what the do not disturb feature was invented for.

The do not disturb feature comes standard on every smartphone, and switching it on will prevent any incoming calls or messages from getting through. While this may seem like a counterproductive feature, it is perfect for those times when you need to get cracking on a project without any distractions. Don’t forget to switch it back to normal mode when you are done.


Worrying too much about using a smartphone at work is unnecessary. These devices can be essential to transforming your work routine for the better.

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